preparing for your newborn photoshoot

Hello! We are so glad you're here. Congratulations on welcoming a new little wonder into the world. We can't wait to create images that will adorn your family's albums and walls forever. Here are some quick tips to help you feel prepared for your newborn session.
We work in beautiful, natural and muted tones, please review our work here. While we are always open to hearing your ideas and incorporating your special interests, we would ask that you limit special request photos so that we can create the art that our studio is known for, and probably the reason you've decided to come to our studio!

Ideally, you want your newborn to arrive at the studio tired and with a full belly. It's important to give your baby lots of awake-time before your session. We know this can be difficult and we don't want you to stress over it, here are some ideas: give them a bath, let them kick in just a diaper, tickle toes, even let them fuss a bit.
Nursing moms should avoid eating foods that can cause gassiness.

What to bring: a soothie pacifier (if possible, the round greenish one that won't leave marks on the baby's face). Also, please no stuffed animal attachments on pacifiers. If your baby has a pacifier they like, bring that one. Even if they don't typically use a pacifier, it can really help during the 2 hours we are posing them.
Please bring a baby brush or comb if your little one has hair (even if it's just a little bit).
You may bring a few personal or sentimental items you wish for us to incorporate into the session.
Bring any items you need to feed/nurse baby during your session. If you are formula feeding, bring extra formula (more than you think you'll need).

Wear whatever feels right to you. We recommend well fitting clothing, as our palette is muted colors, so we recommend the same for parents. Moms are welcome to borrow our dresses, which are flattering and easy. Your hands will be in the photos, so clean nails with neutral or no polish is best.
Please do not bring any clothing items for your newborn. We will wrap them in our fabrics.

Newborn sessions are 2+ hours long. Toddler attention spans are not.
For this reason we do family/sibling shots at the beginning of the session so that siblings can leave with dad, grandma, or other caregiver. Please try to arrange for this. We recognize that there are circumstances where this isn't possible, and we LOVE kids! However, 2+ hours of quiet time is a lot to ask of any child. Please be aware that the studio is not a childproof environment where they can run around. Be sure to bring a favorite toy/game/movie.
We understand the importance and sentimental value of including older siblings in your newborn's portraits. This is a time of huge transition for the older sibling(s) and some children may not cooperate or be safe enough to get a picture with the baby. We will do our absolute best to make them feel comfortable and to entice them into a photo...we have seen it all and have many tricks up our sleeves ...but each child is unique and in some circumstances it may not be possible.

After your session we typically post a "sneak peek" on Facebook (unless you specify that you don't want one), within 24 hours. Feel free to tag yourself in your picture or share it to your profile. You'll receive a link to your gallery of images within two weeks, You will then have 5 days to purchase prints or digital images from your online gallery. Digital image packages range from $399-$595
You may also wish to consider our Baby Plan, book now and save big on your baby's first year of milestones!